【SAT老师说】2018年10月北美SAT《Protect Our Bats》写作手法全解析
2018-11-22 17:25
来源:太原新东方 孟佳
从话题上,是我们非常熟悉的环保类,是否想起刚刚8月的《Are Urban Trees Worth It?》,这种文章理解上不会跑偏总体就是叙述环境破坏的后果,从而号召如何保护环境;
从文章结构上,还是我们常见的三步式,开头两段fact点题 ,body部分因果列举说明bats的好处,和wind turbines 的破坏力,最后ending两段提出建设性方案。
Adapted from RODRIGO A. MEDELLÍN, DON J. MELNICK and MARY C. PEARL, “Protect Our Bats.” 2014 by The New York Times. Originally published May 11, 2014.
1.DISEASE and heedless management of wind turbines are killing North America’s bats, with potentially devastating consequences for agriculture and human health.
2. We have yet to find a cure for the disease known as white-nose syndrome, which has decimated populations of hibernating, cave-dwelling bats in the Northeast. But we can reduce the turbine threat significantly without dismantling them or shutting them down.
手法 :facts,不建议分析,因为在全文中除了提供背景信息,对于主旨没有其它重要作用。
分析 :作者在第一、二段中主要使用 facts的手法告诉我们bats数量的大量减少与turbines(涡轮机,借用风能发电)有关,而且同时对农业和我们健康也造成了严重影响。紧接着在第二段,让步虽然目前没有查明病因,但是目前已经有解决方法既可以无需关闭turbines,但又可以减少turbines对于bats的威胁。那么读者们不由对这种十全十美的解决方案感到好奇,从而继续读下去。
3. White-nose syndrome (also known as W.N.S.) was first documented in February 2006 in upstate New York, where it may have been carried from Europe to a bat cave on an explorer’s hiking boot. In Europe, bats appear to be immune, likely the outcome of a long evolutionary process. But in North America, bats are highly susceptible to the cold-loving fungus that appears in winter on the muzzle and other body parts during hibernation, irritating them awake at a time when there is no food. They end up burning precious stores of energy and starve to death.
4. The consequences have been catastrophic. A 2011 study of 42 sites across five Eastern states found that after 2006 the populations of tri- colored and Indiana bats declined by more than 70 percent, and little brown bats by more than 90 percent. The population of the northern long- eared bat, once common, has declined by an estimated 99 percent and prompted a proposal from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to list it as an endangered species. Other species of hibernating cave-dwelling bats have declined precipitously as well.
5. Whether these bats will recover or go extinct is unclear. Meanwhile, W.N.S. continues to spread rapidly. On the back of this year’s extremely cold winter, it moved into Michigan and Wisconsin. It is now confirmed in 23 states and five Canadian provinces.
手法 :facts, statistics, example,这部分可以从evidence角度选取部分分析,建议第四段作用最为明显。
分析 :这三段作者先叙述White-nose syndrome ( W.N.S)的定义,由来,然后再用具体数据说明感染后的危险性,其中还具体举例某些bats已经濒临灭绝了,并且它还有传播蔓延的趋势,如果不加以制止,后果不堪设想。
6. Tree-dwelling bats don’t seem to be affected by W.N.S., since they don’t hibernate in caves. But wind farms are killing them. Wind turbines nationwide are estimated to kill between 600,000 and 900,000 bats a year, according to a recent study in the journal BioScience. About half of those lost to turbines are hoary bats, which migrate long distances seasonally throughout North America. Eastern red and silver- haired bats, commonly seen in Central Park in New York City hunting insects at night, are also being killed by turbines by the tens of thousands.
手法 :fact, statistics。
分析 :与前三段形成递进,说明turbines对tree-dwelling bats也造成了巨大的威胁。
7. We can’t afford to lose these creatures. In the Northeast, all of our native bat species eat insects. One little brown bat can eat 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour, reducing the potential for mosquito-borne diseases. A colony of 150 big brown bats can protect crops from up to 33 million rootworms over a growing season. The Mexican free-tailed bats of Bracken Cave in south-central Texas consume about 250 tons of insects every summer night. The natural pest control provided by that species across eight Texas counties has been valued at nearly $750,000 as it protects the $6 million summer cotton crop. Nationwide, the value of bats as pest controllers is estimated to be at least $3.7 billion and possibly much more. (This leaves out the value of two other very important services that bats provide: controlling insect-borne diseases and pollinating commercially valuable plants.)
8. Today, genetic engineering may seem to provide an effective way to protect crops from insects, but pests have already developed resistance to some of these products. Insects also readily evolve resistance to chemical insecticides, and increased use of these chemicals would come at a great cost to human health. But bats have shared the night skies with insects for at least 50 million years, and they know how to hunt and eat them.
手法 :cause &effect,statistics,examples。
分析 :作者在第八、九段使用reasoning中cause &effect手法,解释我们为什么要保护蝙蝠得生存条件,运用了大量的statistics和examples来说明它们对于pests的破坏力。并且这种pest control的能力无法用现代科技替。
9. Fortunately, we can reduce the mortality caused by wind farms, which are often located on windy routes favored by some migratory bats. Wind turbines usually switch on automatically at wind speeds of about 8 to 9 miles per hour, speeds at which insects and bats are active. But if, during times of peak bat activity, energy companies recalibrated their turbines to start at a wind speed of about 11 miles per hour, which is too windy for insects and bats to fly, turbine-related deaths could be reduced by 44 to 93 percent, according to a 2010 study published in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. The effect on power output would be negligible — less than 1 percent annually.
10. Threats to bats also threaten us. We should step up research on the prevention and cure of white-nose syndrome. And we should require energy companies to take steps to protect bats from collisions with wind turbines. It is foolish to spend enormous sums to create pesticides and transgenic crops to fight insects, while investing little to protect bats, our most efficient insect fighters.
手法 :solution,self-interests(pathos)
分析 :第九段,一般都是给人以希望,提供一种解决方案,这里也正好和文章开头呼应,终于满足了读者的好奇心,揭晓了不需要关掉turbines就可以解决其对蝙蝠危害的方法——只要将turbines旋转的速度加快,那么蝙蝠将会自行避开而行,使危害性降低44%到93%。第十段,作者使用self-interests(pathos)的手法,激发人类自我保护的本能和责任心,bats保护我们的农作物,我们也应该挺身而出去保护它们;并且呼吁一些能源公司拿出部分研发pesticides的经费用于研究出能治疗W.N.S这种疾病。
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