

2016-12-21 14:15




Task 1

The table below shows the change in the percentages of people joining in seven different sports in a European country from 1999 to 2009.

解析:本次小作文走的仍然是亲民路线,动态表格,1999到2009参加不同种类运动的人数比例。数据可以按照“上升”“下降”进行合理整合和分段,相信再加上课上各种功能句型的辅助,处理起来也不是难事。童鞋们可以参考剑6Test 2的小作文进行同类文章备考。

Task 2




Some people think getting old is entirely bad. However, others think that life of the elderly in modern world is much easier than in the past. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Given the degeneration emerging in both physical and mental aspects along with the aging process, getting old seems to be the last thing that people wish to face. However, it is also suggested by another group of people that the facilitation of the modern society has altered the pattern to certain degree when being compared with the past.

It is true that aging is unstoppable for all the individuals, which is usually accompanied with the degradation of somatic function, as well as some chronic or fatal diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, leaving people with insufficient energy to keep a qualified living standard. In addition to this, a relatively isolated lifestyle that the elders usually adopt can lead to greater differences laying between the views of their own and their children, hence decreasing communicational efficiency. This gap can be even enlarged when their expression ability and reflection are both weakening with the age increasing.

On the other hand, thanks to the advance of modern technology and the broadened view towards life, the life after retirement now tends to be more attractive than in the past. The most determining factor would be the upgraded medical care, which provides people with the possibility to enjoy a long life span. Some so called “fatal” diseases decades ago, such as measles, now can be cured with vaccine and pose less threat to people’s lives. Furthermore, the life of the elder people is getting less monotonous in these days. Through watching a variety of TV programs, browsing the websites or attending different kinds of activities, not only can their moods be improved, the pace of physical degeneration can also be geared down.

In conclusion, from my perspective, even though the mounting of physical age can bring negative impact to old people’s health, the advanced medical system and the enriched daily life in modern world have shed light on the aging years, making old people’s life to be more enjoyable and easier than it used to be.

Word count: 330


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